Well world that doesn't view this page its time for me to present to you some depressing news. I have posterior tibial tendinitis and lets just say it sucks! HAhahaha naw its really not that bad. What is a downer is that I will not be running the Philadelphia half in two weeks, I don't want to cause further damage. I'm going to be taking an anti-inflammatory for 10 days and if the pain goes away supposedly I just slowly work my way back into activity. I plan to swim and do water running. I was a swimmer in high school might as well put that to good use and learn about the positive aspects of water training for running. I also am learning about KT tape or Kinesiology therapeutic tape...its magic. And because of my injury I found many youtube videos reviewing running technique and I now know what to fix when I can start running again. I also don't trust just taking some super motrin and calling it quits, I'll be learning some PT exercises to strengthen my medial ankle and I will also be taking a look into Chi running thanks to Steve the Runner who had a whole episode on it in Phedippidations at www.steverunner.blogspot.com. So, thats what I got for you now.
In other news I will be going to Ireland for 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, I got into a program through school to take a theology class in Dingle. Secondly, I DON"T HAVE TO TAKE THE GRE's AGAIN! WOOOHHHHOOOO! And the PTCAS is submitted to Arcadia and Pitt and Scranton, I just gotta fix one more little issue with it and we are good to go. Well....better get back to Advanced Sport and Exercise Physiology Studying liver glycogen wont study itself (Ha..ha...that was a lame joke...)
Here's to you...