Heck yes!
What else is new? I've been slaving away the past week trying to work out my research paper....what is my research paper on? READERS! I love your interest! So, my paper is a comparison between different length leg prosthetics and the physiological effect of sprint running. I am not sure if you, my readers, have come across the current debates about amputees competing in the Olympics. The argument is that the new carbon running prosthetics give an advantage to the amputee because they contain the ability to store mechanical energy and give the runner an extra boost of speed, almost like a bionic man. There have been a couple studies relating different kinds of prosthetics and walking economics. Some studies addressed the mechanics or prosthetic runners and one even compared trans-tibial amputees to a control of non-amputees but, in this one paper they only had on sprint amputee. My test wants to relate below-knee sprinters, above-knee sprinters, and non-amputees and their conditioning. My theory is that those with amputations create greater amounts of lactic acid, have higher HRmax's and work at a higher HR therefore making them have a higher VO2Max than non-amputees. The outcome though would most likely be equal sprinting results or slightly slower due to the fact the amputee is working against trying internal conditions.
Like it? My Prof did...woot! So, now I'm compiling my data so that I can write an Intro, Lit. Review and a Methods. The hardest is going to be the methods because I need to actually come up with what devices I need and the proceedure. Once this is together and written I then must create a power point to present it. I'm gonna be so happy with the results.
Today, I'm going to edit allllll of my vlogs and get those up so that I'm caught up! HAHA yessssssss!
I want to make shorts, but I keep running out of time and doing other things.
So I'm gonna get down to business!
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