Lets talk about things I like :D
1. I like things that are cheap therefore I...HATE OBOE REEDS!!! They are are complete bane of my existence and I loath them with every molecular piece of my physiology! For two stupid little pieces of wood I payed 25$$$$ what is that crap! I can get a box of sax reeds for 20$..and I get 10! Ok... breath bean...breath...Lets look at the positive. These are the last reeds I will ever have to buy for I am graduating and therefore will probably never play the oboe again...so I think. Then again half of my friends are music majors sooo the likelihood that I will be needed for something or other is a high possibility.
2. OMG...triathlons. (Hold one second reader while I have a small love attack) I love these crazy races soooo much. Thing is...its an expensive sport. WHY DO I ALWAYS PICK THE EXPENSIVE ACTIVITIES!!! So, I have a lovely road bike I bought myself and a tri suit I got for my Bday...thing is the tri suit is one piece...and all black...what I really want now is the two piece tri suit that you wear during the bike and run. For the first time I actually have a sports figure I look up too aka Chrissie Wellington!!!!
In other news, I need cycling shoes. These shoes come with special petals that you clip the shoe into giving you a power stroke in all directions, way better then the cadge for your shoe. I haven't got the heart to look up the price.
I wouldn't mind some aero bars for my bike..what are they?
look at that bike..I"m drooling (guess who's)
3. I'd like Pokemon white...and a bigger sd card for my vlogs..what? Reader you didn't know about my vlog??? The Runnign Bean DPT VLOG! the name the running bean was taken...fools stealn my name...so I had to add DPT on the end. Well, at least in 3 years I'll really have that title. I also need a bigger card for my phone.
All in all that's a lot of dollores.
Hey...my roomies died their hair black and today they are dying the tips purple...that's gonna be nifty. Also, they were both in the bathroom at the same time washing it out. We have two bathrooms. AND SOO! I REALLY HAD TO PEE! ..but...there was no where to go. That was an agonizing 5 min of my life. HAHA
Lets take a few seconds readers. Let's think about the people we meet in our lives. Let's think about how those people changed us, how they made us better, how they made us think, and how their role was a very important one. Every person you meet makes you grow, even when you hate them at a cellular level. I just want to thank the great cosmos and of course God (don't hate man! I can thank good old Jesus and his rock'n pa God) for guiding my crazy weirdo of a self through this insain time line of a life. I just wanna say thanks for the people I've meet and the friends I've made. I've gotta say, they make the world a pretty damn freak'n awesome place.
Cheers <3,
The Bean

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