Reader....its 1am...I have failed you. This post should have been for yesterday. (Hangs head in shame). I got caught up in my Pokemon action and vlog editing....I...*gasp* (DRAMATIC PAUSEEEE!) am sorry.
SOOO! How bout them Yanks??? ...yeah...
Let's talk. Let's talk about procrastination because, you know what, it's killing me. I can barley get my shiz together...and the thing is, I have no negatives coming from my procrastination this semester. It's not like my graders are suffering or anything, heck I'm having more fun than ever. There's just that little over-achieving freshman in my brain stabbing me with a protractor yelling about defeating all the lesser students. Well I just threw a large physio book at that freshman and said "Geeze have a beer and calm down you're stressing me out".
Do you see what I mean readers? It's a downward spiral of doom. There is one thing I guess I can't let slip, its Essentials of Strength training...I got a B on the last test...WHAT! The fact is I have to take a 5 hours certification exam at the end of finals week in Philadelphia...ooooh gosh...which means I better get on reading this book! Also, READERS!!! I must get the study material from NSCA! Great goodness O'Nelly. I should find a job too...I need some money cuz gosh knows I'm making nuttin right now.
OH DO NOT FRET READERS parting is such sweet sorrow, but I will be with you once more in no more than 8hours :), there's the smile I've been looking for...NOW GET TO BED!
Sleepy Bean
ha, i lurvs you