....readers...what are you doing..its 6am go the heck back to sleep. (rolls over and snoorz). What? what? oh fine fine I'm up. What is that you say? What did I do last night....haha well well well wouldn't youuuuu like to know.
Alright so last night (what! I'll tell yeah) was SHAMROCK'N EVE!!!! I happen to be a committee member..or was..I mean it already happened. So, now I happen to be located in Scranton my fine readery friend and In Scranton "the party never stops". We happen to have the third largest St. Patrick's day parades...ever (I do believe those numbers are correct). So, In order to prepare for such a festivity clearly we must start partying at 7pm the night before, yes readers, I had a pre-party in the student center, for the pre-party aka shamrock'n eve, to the real part which started this morning..its happening right now. (well kinda but we shall get into that) So! (there are a lot of "so"s today) I had my little committee shin-dig which was slightly awkwardsss due to the fact I'm not really in that group of friends, but there were bag pipers and free beer and wine. After an hour of awkward conversation and standing around we moved to the gym were the real happenings were, lead there, of course, by our lovely mascot Iggy. Once inside we were serenaded by the band The Black Thorns and there was a huge line to get a glass of wine. Young and old mingled as the past 5 years of graduates came back together...also I HAVE A PIC WITH FATHER P!!!!! Oh joy of joys!
Other then that I was bored out of my mind after an hour and wished only to come back to my cave and play Assassin's creed II..oh goodness...I'm a nerd.
Now readers...it its 7:33am...I was up at 6am in preparations to go to a fellow band members house to have "kegs and eggs" as these local focals call it. Oh readers don't be concerned its a lovely egg and ham hot sandwich and they hand you a shot of Jack Daniels or something of the sort. You still look horror struck dear reader...yes yes I am the running bean but look at it as I do. A holiday is a holiday and one must enjoy themselves and partake in the customs of their location if you never let lose how could you ever truely live? Aye? Aye? How's that for some philosophical know how! Any who... I do realize I have said nothing of running or fitness recently...lets make amends...quickly before I must leave for parade day. (I will have photos for you lovely lot)
Fitness...what's in a name...twer it not still walking would it be the same? Walking vs Running which one's better, which one is king, WHICH ONE KICKS THE OTHERS BUTT HARD CORE!
Now now lets not get ahead of ourselves. I've found that many people have an internal debate on the benefits of walking vs running and most believe that running is the only real exercise and the only "real" way to get cardiovascularly awesome. Let me get to the point, WRONG! Both forms of biomechanical movement have wonderful benefits and one more then the other depending on the individual. If someone has been sedentary their whole life and suddenly is struck with pure need to exercise....do not go and sprint around the block six times...that would be rather unproductive (consult a doc oooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr WALK). Walking is natural, we have billions of little neurons and reflexes firing in our muscles to give us proprioception.
(What's that you say?) Proprioception is how we know where or limbs and body is in space without looking. Try closing your eyes now reach out and touch your nose...READERS YOU ARE MAGIC HOW DID YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR NOSE WAS! No no haha sorry there will be no owl with a letter today for you my little friend, that was not magic but you taking advantage of proprioception.
Now, for the sedentary it is wise to take a short walk and slowly work their way up to longer and longer durations. If said sedentary individual really wants to run they should practice walking for a period then taking a short interval of running it can be a short as 1 min to 10 min of walking or 1 min or run to 4 min of walking. It's up to the individual and how they feel.
Currently active: You want to get fitter and think "I"m gonna run 5miles by the end of all this!" and that is a fantastic goal! Just remember: TAKE IT SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not emphasis enough how important it is to progress slowly, in any new activity, practice makes perfect and slow increases stops nasty injuries. Have you ever thought of this though running 5miles...burns the same amount as walking 5miles? Now the caloric burn might have some discrepancies, but lets think about it. You go and run 5miles and finish in 50min, you walk it and finish in 75min. Obviously walking takes longer and running is shorter. Now you can actually walk at a speed to elicit I high cardiovascular response rivaling that of running, with the proper pace. When you run the body is in motion with a higher intensity then walking using a few extra muscles...but its doing this over a short period of time. For walking at a brisk pace (not jogging more at a pace where you have to get somewhere fast but don't wanna run at risk of looking like a crazy person) your doing this activity of a drawn out period of time slowly building the number of calories burned. In the end looking at muscle burn and so on running is like that of an interval training session compared to walking which is a long aerobic workout (now that is just a comparison..clearly running 5miles is not interval training).
With all this said, I would first off recommend walking if you, my readers, wish to get out there and move and if you want to lose weight, and if you want to get fitter. Walking is much more low impact then running meaning you will protect yourself from many possible injuries highly associated with running. Really what I am trying to say is don't hate before you try. Walking seems to get a sissy rap from some when really its a kick butt way of doing things. So the bean says get out there and move!!! Walk with a dog, with a child in a cart, with friends, with enemies, with strange creatures (ok maybe not them) anyway go and have a lovely stroll.
Do not walk with weights....the weight on the end of your arms isn't natural and that swinging motion creates a tension on the muscles every time you change the direction of the weights motion. This tension is the force most associated with injury. Anytime a muscle has to cause a sudden stop or start it can lead to major injury (take a pitcher in baseball for instance..major injury shoulder aka rotator cuff from the rapid force they must apply to their arm to wip it and release the ball at the right time).
Second....pulling wagons is fun for the kid...but holding that behind your back for a 30min walk equals possible shoulder weakening and injury leading to a later disslocation. Get a sweet running stroller. Or have the kid come along on a small trike or scooter. I do love scooters.
They let you fly.....WOOOSH!
And that's a friendly reminder from your local bean.
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